
Earth Month Tour 2019!

The screenings are calling, and you must go!

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Catch the trailer!

Prophet. Author. Poet. Conservationist. Radical. Mystic.

The Unruly Mystic™ : John Muir

Feature documentary film, directed by Michael M. Conti, produced with Heather Boyle (USA) 70 minutes 2018.

“The Unruly Mystic: John Muir” explores the remarkable life and influential works of a patron saint of environmental activism. The film discusses the connection nature and spirituality, using the life and wisdom of John Muir, ecological preservationist and founder of Yosemite National Park, as a catalyst for how being outside in nature affects the lives of everyday people right now. John Muir played many roles in his life: mystic, prophet, author, poet, conservationist, radical, all of which helped him succeed in his role as an advocate for Nature.  As America’s most famous naturalist and conservationist, Muir fought to protect the wild places he loved, places we can still visit today. Muir’s writings have profoundly shaped the ways in which we understand and envision our relationship with the natural world today, and his work has become a personal guide into the natural world for countless individuals. The film interviews noted psychiatrists, therapists, theologians, writers, and every day people and asks them to discuss their relationship with nature, and its transformative effect in their lives.